What is Enneagram?

The Enneagram is an ancient system designed to help you understand your personality. It helps you evaluate the many ways you have adopted a mask over the true reflection of God He created in you. It is designed to provide you with knowledge of the self-defeating parts that limit you in your image of God and create brokenness in your relationships. It informs you of the person that God intimately and wonderfully created. It is a pathway not towards more self-contempt or greater self-actualization, but rather ways prevents you from living in the restorative love found alone in Jesus Christ.

The beauty of the Enneagram is in the way it can reveal your self-defeating parts and why they cause you to what you do – known as core motivations. Your core motivations are specific ways that your fear and weaknesses impact you personally and relationally, as well has how your desires and longing or aligned or misaligned with the will of God. They reveal emotions, thoughts, and actions that are intertwined into who you are and why you do what you do.

Your unique personality can be described as a unique color within the vibrant and expansive palette in the way that God created you. There are nine types within the Enneagram yet one of the types – your main type – will best define your core motivations and inform who you are and why you do what you do. This main type contains helpful assets and harmful liabilities. You could think of God’s “color” as a diamond and your color is what uniquely reflects Him. Getting to know your main type is the first step to becoming Mint4More!

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